Jennifer Lail

I look inward, to see what comes out. If that seems simple, then it is the simplicity born of discipline, deliberately crafted and structured to a luminous end. But it is the liminal end, the end that signifies beginning and rebirth. An out-of-body space that offers, by dint of visual clues and keys—ways in and ways out. Translating the metamorphic act of guided and transcendental meditation into luminous focal points of color allows me to energize the viewer via color frequency and vibration. Focusing on themes of love, peace, hope and harmony I can create a shift in mind and spirit, and so doing challenge contemporary paradigms of physical and mental interiority. Colors layered for brilliance and depth demarcate a personal journey shared. So now, the paintings act as guideposts via illuminating spaces in a manner similar to candles in the dark. 

Selected Works

  • Compassion I

    32” x 39.5”

    Watercolor on watercolor paper

  • Compassion II

    32” x 39.5”

    Watercolor on watercolor paper

  • Compassion III

    32” x 39.5”

    Watercolor on watercolor paper

  • Medium Mod #32

    22” x 30”

    Watercolor on watercolor paper

  • MediumMod #33

    17.25” x 29.5” x 41.5”

    Watercolor on watercolor paper

  • Monochrome Red

    29.5” x 41.5”

    Watercolor on watercolor paper

  • Monochrome Purple

    29.5” x 41.5”

    Watercolor on watercolor paper