Catherine Lucky Chang

My practice directs qi towards inner peace, love, and happiness for myself and every being.  My work highlights the importance of both support and image by combining papermaking with drawing, printmaking, collage, and painting.  The handmade paper communicates as much as the marks by providing both visual and energetic space to each piece. I celebrate spontaneity, childlike simplicity, and meditation woven into daily life with energetic and subdued marks.  Each mark upon the surface is a realization of sensation and an awareness of vitality.  

Through my arrangement of line and color, I embrace the unknown and the strength in the quiet and subtle.  Strokes of varying paces layer, gather, and diffuse on translucent handmade paper. Gratitude for small moments brings light to the seemingly ordinary.  I observe and absorb: wild yellow grass, dappled sunlight, imprinted shadows.  I tune into nature—soles of feet rooted into cool earth, fresh air cycling through lungs, warm heart—while listening deeply within for wholeness.  Immersing in water nourishes and calms, revitalizing the fluidity of life. 


Created with simple materials of the earth--water and plant fiber--handmade paper provides a natural support to hold my marks.  I make paper outside, exposed to the elements of earth, air, and sun.  The slow process of making paper beckons me to be present.  

I wish to share a way of living with gratitude and presence that brings tranquility and meaning to each day.  Being human is a wondrous and mysterious experience that heightens with the awareness of life itself. My intention is to share my personal journey while sparking the viewer’s own connection to the joy of life that can be found through observation and the flow of the moment.  

Selected Works


    10.5” x 10”

    Mixed Media on handmade paper (Sun, air, water, bleached abaca paper)


    16” x 13”

    Oil Pastel on handmade paper (Sun, air, water, bleached abaca paper)


    16” x 10”

    API/1 letterpress on handmade paper (Sun, air, water, bleached abaca paper)


    21” x 17”

    Mixed Media on handmade paper (Sun, air, water, bleached abaca paper)


    21” x 17”

    Watercolor on handmade paper (Sun, air, water, bleached abaca paper)


    45” x 36”

    Handmade pulp paper (Sun, air, water, bleached abaca paper)