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Article: Sounds of Soleil - Vol.1

Sounds of Soleil - Vol.1

Sounds of Soleil - Vol.1

The waves weren't big, the wind was on it and there were a few too many people out, but damn that was a fun day - completely unexpected too. We came in from the mid-afternoon surf a little more red than when we paddled out and hiked up the stairs to La Brisa. The local watering hole has everything you'd imagine and a Bali backdrop. Margaritas on the rocks please - hold the salt. We kicked up our feet and tipped back our drinks watching the surfers below as the music played from the speakers. 

Sounds of Soleil is a playlist to remind you of the splendor of sunshine. In this case, the post surf margarita. Click the link, hit shuffle and soak up some sun. 


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SOJOURNS Vol: IV The Magnetism of Stillwater

SOJOURNS Vol: IV The Magnetism of Stillwater

This is a celebration of visionaries.  Those who venture to the outer parts of the globe just to have a look around. The ones who strap up their boots and teeter along the outer edges with the sol...

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Jennifer Lail: State of Awareness

Jennifer Lail: State of Awareness

    So Jennifer, it’s been a while since we’ve done something like this. In fact, two years as you noted. What’s up? What’s happening in the world of Jennifer Lail? Yes, it’s been a few years. I h...

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